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Search results for query #нагрузка на сервер

4 answer
26.12.2022, 11:09
High percentage of RAM on the server
Good afternoon! I noticed that I constantly reach the RAM limit (rental license). Could you tell me what is the reason and how can I fix it?
7 replies
I need to clean my disk
Clean up data, remove junk, check services and update them. Running out of disk space. http://crm.zakazknig.com.ua/
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
20.12.2021, 10:13
Stupid boxing and heavy load on the server
Here https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/system-statistic/ Heavy load on the server. When you go, for example, to "Orders" https://ppikc.crm...
3 answer
06.12.2021, 11:28
please clarify what is loading the server so much, it usually starts at 11 o'clock every day
Hello I'm attaching a server CPU load chart. tell me what can be optimized so that the server is not loaded like that, not many users work ... ...
CPM constantly crashes, load on the server
Hello, why is CRM constantly crashing with us? Turns off stably every 3-4 hours for 3-5 minutes. Happens at 10. https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ F...
8 replies
03.11.2021, 11:48
What is loading the server?
Specify what exactly is loading the crm.
Why such a load on the server?
Here https://box.criamo.com/app/system-statistic/ RAM is used to the fullest. What exactly is loading the system? There are few automations, and t...
3 answer
01.07.2021, 12:40
Extreme activity on the server
Tell me, what could be the reason for such activity tonight on the server? Anyone had the same today?
2 answer
12.05.2021, 10:02
CPU usage 200-400%
Good afternoon. Help me to understand. Tell me, please, how is this even possible? What's been going on with our boxing lately? Why did we sudd...
2 answer
07.03.2021, 15:47
OnBox started to slow down a lot
Since yesterday, OneBox has been left to slow down strongly. In the load control panel, we see anomalous changes in the load that were not there be...

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