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Search results for query #валюты

1 answer
Change the base currency on the system
I ask you to change the base currency to UAH on the system https://avanticosmetics.1b.app/
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
20.09.2023, 00:04
Editing Currency
Guys, I have a question. The point is that I added automation to the products. Calculate the value using the formula and write it in the specified ...
2 answer
03.01.2023, 12:09
Currency in posting and in the journal
Here https://rivcont.info/app/settings/storage/ there is a setting "Add products to posting in the selected currency" 1. When posting https://rivco...
1 answer
Personal license
21.10.2022, 11:45
Please change the base currency
You need to change the base currency crm https://gcompany.1b.app/ to Yuan CNY
2 answer
Personal license
21.09.2022, 16:56
Course refresh action not working
Here https://hellom.1b.app/5549/ Button-procedure "Rate", there is an action "Update the exchange rate in the process". But at ...
1 answer
Change project base currency
Here is a project https://bezpeka.1b.app/app/currency/ you need to make sure that the base currency is UAH Now - usd
4 answer
28.06.2022, 11:03
Loading exchange rates for the previous year
Good day, it so happened that we need to upload payments from the private sector for the whole of last year, the box in our company was set up so t...
3 answer
31.05.2022, 18:56
Currency designation in the order log
Hello! In the log of orders in the column "Amount" appeared the designation of the currency. But it is written before the sum value, not ...
3 answer
26.05.2022, 13:06
Currency values in the final part of the process in OS
Hello! In OS, the value of currencies is not displayed in the final part of the process. In the previous version, there were signatures - UAH or EUR
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.02.2022, 15:39
OS - exchange rate variable for currencies
It is necessary to take out the value of the current rate of active currencies for calculation in processes. What variable to take for the exchange...

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