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1 answer
Група активної реабілітації, Голова правління
04.02.2024, 02:05
Synchronization settings
Congratulations! Please help me figure out how to set up the integration? The API seems to create it, but the user is not created'. What other nuan...
1 answer
27.11.2023, 12:37
Development of integration of smsviber newsletter
Good day. Aggregator of sms and viber mailings intel-tele.com is looking for help in the development of integration for CRM OneBox Our api document...
Finalization of integration
Good day! Is it possible to finalize the integration in terms of obtaining balances from ERC for the specified warehouse in advance?
1 answer
25.10.2023, 18:39
No tilde requests are created
https://urbantree.1b.app/app/tilda/ here are the errors https://i.imgur.com/IVzXWrH.png on the side of the tilde, he seemed to have indicated every...
7 replies
Personal license
11.08.2023, 14:06
Is integration with Vchasno EDI planned?
Good afternoon, here was a question last year, they wrote that you plan to integrate with Vchasno.EDI: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integration-with-one...
2 answer
09.07.2023, 17:56
Integration with the online store
Good afternoon, we need integration with the online store, there were problems with the integration
3 answer
The integration with Rozetka stopped working
As of yesterday, orders from the outlet to onebox stopped being imported. Moreover, today's new order was imported. And yesterday's 2 are n...
5 replies
14.04.2023, 18:20
Evaluation of integration with Pactum for receiving legal data of a person under EDRPOU https://pactumsys.com/
Good day Please evaluate the API integration, the documentation is here https://pactumsys.com/help In principle, how the integration with Opendatab...
2 answer
18.03.2023, 22:25
Integration with Google Calendar
Please let me know if there are instructions for integration with Google Calendar?
Refinement of integration
It is necessary to make in the integration modules: 1. Add the option of selecting availability from a certain warehouse from the system, or severa...

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