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Search results for query #штрихкод

2 answer
Adding a product by barcode stopped working correctly if the granularity is higher than 1
If the granularity of the product is greater than 1, then the product is incorrectly added to the order, with empty "quantity" fields. Everything ...
3 answer
07.12.2022, 10:53
Barcode variables do not match
Good afternoon! There is a problem setting up a print template for barcodes. The variable for the image barcode and the regular barcode variable do...
3 answer
03.12.2022, 16:43
Autocomplete barcode
Good afternoon, tell me how to automatically assign a barcode to all products?
2 answer
01.12.2022, 20:07
Barcode Template
Good afternoon! Tell me how to create barcode templates correctly, here is an example: The {row:product_barcode} variable is inserted into the edit...
Barcodes are not displayed
Got out a bug with barcodes, previously worked correctly. It is worth setting when creating a product to generate a barcode, products are created t...
10 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
27.09.2021, 16:33
Finalization of the block "Check the presence of goods in the process by barcode" (add the found product to the process when the conditions are met)
I ask you to improve the block of the interface of the process "Check the presence of goods in the process by barcode" you need to add in...
2 answer
07.09.2021, 10:06
Creating a barcode
Can you please tell me how to manually select the products for which you need to create a barcode? + Where can I find the price tags section in OS?
13 replies
13.11.2020, 10:41
Improvement needed - a sound signal when a product is added by a barcode scanner
It is necessary to make a sound notification when adding a product to the business process, through a barcode scanner https://prnt.sc/vigssc What d...
4 answer
01.09.2020, 15:29
Would like to know if CRM can generate barcodes?

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