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Search results for query #універсальний імпорт продуктів (xml/json)

3 answer
Personal license
29.08.2023, 11:42
Automation stopped working Universal import of products (xml/json)
In the https://blokpost.1b.app/ box, since the 26th, products from feeds that we download with automation once an hour "Universal import of product...
0 replies
ІнваФішки, консультант
18.02.2023, 14:14
Parsing of goods from xml - price check
Congratulations! They set up product parsing, check integrators through Automation and reported that everything is fine, but it doesn't work. Other...
2015952299 - Improved the functionality of the action "Universal import of products (xml/json)"
Added "Run action every N minutes" setting for "Universal Product Import (xml/json)" action.
2015940652 - Added functionality for "Universal product import (xml/json)"
For the "Universal import of products (xml/json)" task, the ability to: - form signature; - pass an array with a request for goods.
2015933041 - Added functionality to "Universal product import (xml/json)"
For the "Universal product import (xml/json)" section, added the "Brand name name. If the field is filled, only products with this b...
4 answer
Personal license
21.06.2022, 15:23
Not spratsovuє to import the price of the postal worker
Zavantazhuemo in the system of price of the employee Created Universal Product Import (xml/json) per one crown https://znaide.1b.app/app/automatiza...
2015883009 - Updated in the "Universal product import (xml/json)" section
Automatically once a year "Universal product import (xml/json)" added "Do not import filter characteristics for the product for its ...
in "Automatically once a year" "Universal import of products (xml/json)" tick not loading the filter for the product even in the product already є filter (add the filter only to these products in such stinks empty) how many costs?
in "Automatic once a year" "Universal product import (xml/json)" tick underload the filter to the product even if the product a...
Needed in automation Universal import of products (xml/json)
Needed in automation Universal import of products (xml/json) add the ability to upload on different movs є silk in Ukrainian download in Ukrainian ...
The price of the supplier is lost for Universal import of products (xml/json)
Automatically once a year Universal product import (xml/json) (esco 05:00) The price of the supplier is lost at least the data for importing is no...

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