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5 replies
01.04.2023, 02:55
BAG. Please help urgently. An invalid phone number is added to the [phoneNumberViber] variable.
Apparently, some kind of failure, tk. worked correctly before. The client shared a phone number. At the stage, the action Add a comment to the pr...
System failure
Good afternoon. Today we found that we have all the actions in the configured processes turned off. This is fine? https://sobr.crm-onebox.com/admin...
1 answer
The problem with boxing
Good afternoon. We have a box on the box https://supero.crm-onebox.com/, 10 licenses have been paid for, but some kind of failure has just occurred...
4 answer
17.12.2021, 13:07
No access to box
Hello. The question is not related to any specific application ... But since. it is required to choose something to create a question, then they ch...
Some kind of failure. Events, business processes are not created, mail is not sent
Good afternoon! Automation is configured - creating processes from letters and calls - BPs are no longer created. At the same time, it is also wort...
13 replies
17.03.2021, 18:08
Transition to stage behaves inappropriately
When moving from the "order to the supplier" stage to "all in stock", there are actions not related to the client's obligat...
4 answer
12.03.2021, 10:59
Not working Automatic actions once per hour
Good afternoon! Remains on the site and in the application are updated only after a forced update https://prnt.sc/10jk5v9 Automatic actions once pe...

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