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Search results for query #продукты таблицей

5 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
20.11.2023, 10:42
Improvement: Products table - adjust field width
Good afternoon Please rate the improvement in the Products block with the table, the ability to adjust field widths as in the Process Columns setti...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
06.11.2023, 09:38
Bug. The Products block is not displayed as a table in the interface
The Products block is not displayed as a table in the interface. Boxing https://sara.1box.link/
1 answer
The "Products by table" block no longer displays products.
The "Products by table" block no longer displays products.
2 answer
06.11.2023, 08:51
Very urgent! The
Guys, please help me. In all BPs, the "Products in a table" block stopped displaying products. I checked through incognito and through different br...
5 replies
12.09.2023, 11:07
Improvement to the "Products by table" block: improve "Add color setting"
Guys, please calculate the revision. In the “Products by table” interface block, namely “Add color setting”, you need to compare it with another pr...
5 replies
24.09.2022, 20:21
Missing "Products by table" block at certain stages
I just discovered that at certain stages the "Interface Products" block was missing. No changes were made to the interface. When changing...
2 answer
10.01.2022, 12:27
Interface block "Products by table": add functionality to cell highlighting.
Please consider in the interface block "Products in a table", namely in the settings for highlighting Cells / Rows, add the ability to se...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
23.10.2021, 10:14
OS. Product link code not showing
Hello. In the "Products by table" interface block, the code (link) of the product is no longer displayed. Box toptuning.crm-onebox.com Co...
4 answer
30.09.2021, 18:55
OS - Products table - close for editing
We propose to expand the functionality of the table by adding more conditions to prohibit editing. - add the condition "equal to, not equal t...
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
26.09.2021, 21:30
When pressing DELETE in the process products, the option to delete the product becomes available
The process interface has a block "Products by table" It has a setting "Close to edit a row, like a field:" Everything seems to...

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