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Search results for query #прайсы

4 answer
17.05.2023, 17:31
What application can be used to make a price list for wholesale customers to sell their goods?
What application can be used to make a price list for wholesale customers to sell their goods?
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
11.04.2022, 14:44
Uploading the results of downloading the price list
In the results of downloading the price list of the supplier , for example here https://erp.openshop.ua/app/supplier/import/skip/report/6048/?dateU...
9 replies
31.01.2022, 12:45
Working with the Brain provider
Hello. We check the box "recalculate the price with suppliers and warehouses" for 3 days in a row in bulk in the list of products, the go...
6 replies
22.12.2021, 10:08
The finalization of unloading the price list works crookedly
Last year, they did a revision (the work was carried out through technical support) to generate a price list (upload the price list, and the system...
4 answer
01.12.2021, 21:43
Vendor Integrations
https://technosite.crm-onebox.com/app/automatization/ 4 integrations with suppliers are configured: Import data from an ERC provider Import data fr...
Integration with South Torg
It is necessary to evaluate the refinement, integration with Yug-torg (https://b2b.yugtorg.com) to process their price lists https://b2b.yugtorg.co...
12 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
03.10.2021, 13:01
Refinement for importing goods from the supplier Brain
For the "Import data from the Brain provider" action, you need to modify: 1) Load product filter only when creating a new product - if th...
7 replies
Linking products in supplier price lists
We need to improve the functionality of linking products (supplier prices) Now there the search occurs only by the name of the product, but we need...
1 answer
25.11.2020, 12:07
Link prices
Suppliers provide links to price lists, which are there in either csv or yml formats For example, https://static.hubber.pro/exporter/file/get-file-...
Refinement of price creation
It is necessary to create an automatic rule for creating and sending a price list to clients of the WHOLESALE, VIP, Dealer groups. 1. The price sho...

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