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Integration with South Torg

Нужно подключить и настроить интеграцию с Юг торг ?
Есть необходимость автоматизации и настройки работы с поставщиками ?
У нас есть партнеры-интеграторы которые помогут в решении данного вопроса! Посмотреть список партнеров-интеграторов
It is necessary to evaluate the refinement, integration with Yug-torg (https://b2b.yugtorg.com) to process their price lists
This price list should be taken first and downloaded from it articles, picture, RRP, description, guarantee, name, brands
but from the second, you need to find the same product by article and pull up the purchase price and quantity in the product card (but the availability is noted (under the order, + = 1, ++ = 5, +++ = 10, ++++ = 100, +++++ = 200))
API Documentation
1. API data is provided in JSON format (by default), XML and CSV.
2. Your API key: 12b31c239f14b23986a244bf9508d7832380ad0873b8202aa9466ffc
3. The following URL is used to get product data:
where market takes the following values: product - to get information about the product
products - to get information on products of the selected category
category - to get information on
Original question is available on version: ru


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