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Search results for query #права

2 answer
MAKOSH | Analyst of Consolidated Information
12.01.2024, 11:42
Access rights for a certain time
Good day! I am interested in whether it is possible to create a BP quality or other settings, so that it is possible to grant access rights to empl...
Additional rights settings process fields
Good afternoon. In the old version of OneBox, for each add. the process field could be configured for each employee (access to view and/or edit). I...
5 replies
24.11.2022, 15:22
Prohibition of product editing by ticking
http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/desktop/ At the moment, there is only 1 setting for editing products in access rights. A setting that would allow blocki...
5 replies
11.11.2022, 15:29
I accidentally deleted the rights to my box
Hello There was a problem with access to the box after changing the password in the box account https://1b.app/ru/forum/users-and-access-management...
6 replies
OS. Employees don't have apps
Good afternoon! After updating to the OS, employees have blank pages and there is not a single application, only the manager. It also fails to inst...
5 replies
11.10.2021, 15:51
Different logic of operation of switches for global rights settings
1. When the global setting of Settings is turned off, the included nested rights work. 2. When the global setting is turned off, the Products do...
4 answer
11.10.2021, 14:35
Access rights to the finance section
1. There is no item Budgets in the access rights section in the menu settings of the finance block. 2. Item All actual payments appears and disap...
4 answer
08.10.2021, 16:12
Allowed to switch stage
How can I give access to a business process for switching to a business process only for koristuvachiv with a local (or specific) ip address?
3 answer
04.10.2021, 09:50
Apply permission changes to selected roles
Apply permission changes to the selected roles. Make a revision to apply changes to access rights for selected roles. Important: Apply not all righ...
1 answer
17.09.2021, 14:57
There are no access rights to edit a contact if it has a different manager.
There are no access rights to edit a contact if it has a different manager. Set up permissions for the role. Specified access to view and edit for ...

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