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Search results for query #переход

Do not spratsovuє blocking the transition to the stage
Butt to the process https://box.ltec.com.ua/13736/ Є field "Troubleshooting file" field type file. In customizations, the interface is se...
OneBoxOS. The instant transition action does not fire correctly
On the order example https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/276315/ There is a stage "Outpost on the road (check warehouse)", there is an insta...
2 answer
16.07.2021, 14:56
You can upgrade to OneBox OS
Dear Clients! The site has an opportunity to apply for the transition to OneBox OS: 1. open your boxlist via the link https://crm-onebox.com/en/pro...
5 replies
Администратор проектов
02.04.2021, 14:03
What to switch to OS for customers with an online store on OneBox?
To migrate to OneBox OS, they need: 1. Refuse the box in favor of the cloud, buy a box with updates or sign an agreement to update the old box 2. L...
1 answer
25.02.2021, 13:01
Transition to rent
OneBox client with 1 redeemed license and our IM template. Green revolution box version. Such a box can be transferred to rent and so that our temp...
1 answer
09.02.2021, 11:14
Prevent navigation based on fields
Automatically set up: https://prnt.sc/ytkda4 Why is the change not presented? https://prnt.sc/ytkl9l https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorde...
11 replies
04.02.2021, 21:06
Boxed OneBox and OneBox OS
Please tell me. Can a boxed One Box purchased now be transferred to One Box OS? And how will it go?
2 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
21.10.2020, 13:25
Document not opening for editing
The "check out document" function is checked "Switch to editing the document after creation" but this transition does not occur.
7 replies
12.10.2020, 17:39
Fix double jump bug
There is an order https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/droperi/146748/edit/ There was a transition here 2 times http://i.imgur.com/PWSM2e...
11 replies
Администратор проектов
09.09.2020, 12:50
Terms of transition from buyout to lease
There is a client who bought 10 licenses 2 years ago, is hosted on his server and now wants to switch to a cloud plan (10 or 20 users). What are th...

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