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Search results for query #оптимизация

24 answer
29.12.2023, 18:16
Optimizing the operation of the "Update availability in opencart" action
Good afternoon Is it possible to optimize the operation of an action so that it runs in a few seconds? Is there a direct upload to the database? C...
1 answer
31.07.2023, 18:25
Improvement and optimization of CPM work.
Dear experts, tell me how to improve and speed up the work of the CPM system. In general, our boxing works stably, but sometimes it slows down, we ...
2 answer
19.03.2023, 14:50
Optimization of the program
We have ordered the OneBox OS migration service and are taking an additional server. In this world, we ask you to optimize the operation of the pro...
Screen less than 13 inches - suffer
Good afternoon. One Box OS does not provide comfortable work with the screen of a laptop, tablet, etc. less than 13 inches. The interface is not fu...
1 answer
28.07.2022, 13:41
Search engine optimization tweaks
Site https://chekhol.com.ua/ The terms of reference have already been evaluated. Please approve the cost of the watch and issue an invoice. 1. Work...
13 replies
18.07.2022, 12:08
The system started to work much slower
Clients complain that the client account is slower, selling and moving can take 7-8 seconds Transitions through stages sometimes freeze, that is, t...
1 answer
Data loading report optimization
Data loading report optimization. There are 2 reports Report - 1
1 answer
10.06.2021, 13:04
It is necessary to optimize the server and the operation of the CRM
Faced with the problem that with an increase in the number of employees, orders, etc. Some actions started taking much longer than usual For exampl...
25 replies
27.11.2020, 15:36
Critically slows down BOX
Critically slows down BOX. https://prnt.sc/vr8ysr on the screen you can see that the server is overloaded What does the server load like that? What...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
20.11.2020, 14:26
fix onebox work
project http://crm.swisstrade.com.ua there are significant interruptions in the work of 1c. for example, when you open a process from the calendar,...

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