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Search results for query #json

2 answer
10.07.2023, 17:28
Writing a response from an array when passing a process to an API
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/707/action/new/ There is an action "Pass process to API" As a result of the action here https:...
Help setting up contact import (XML Contacts Integration (Import))
Good afternoon There was a problem setting up automation once an hour. "Integrate XML Contacts (Import)" action. Data on API URL finds, but cont...
4 answer
24.08.2022, 09:18
response processing in the "Submit business process to API" action
Hello! The "Submit business process to API" action is configured in the procedure that sends an http request to the API and receives an a...
5 replies
05.06.2022, 15:59
Universal product import (xml/json) parameters
How to load param and picture fields in CRM from xml file
6 replies
08.11.2021, 14:56
Integration 1s and onebox
In the processing example, the exchange is carried out using xml. Does the system support exchange using json?
Dorobka Useful function for the automatic task "Universal product import (xml/json)"
Dorobka Useful function for the automatic task "Universal product import (xml/json)" In the Automatic division "Universal import of ...
13 replies
Configuring the Generic Products Import (xml/json) action
Good afternoon! For some time I raise the topic, but still. Please make a tutorial video on this action with a detailed explanation of the settings...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 14:28
Configuring the Generic Products Import (xml/json) action
Good afternoon. Is it possible to set up an action once per hour Universal import of products (xml / json), so that the main photo is not duplicate...
15 replies
Generic product import (xml/json)
Good afternoon! After launching the "Universal Products Import (xml/json)" action, when importing characteristics from an xml file, all c...
19 replies
Universal import of products (xml/json) - characteristics are not loaded
http://domovoy.kr.ua Good afternoon! There is a configured action "Universal import of products (xml / json)" - through which we tighten ...

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