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Search results for query #instagram

6 replies
Instagram, how to get Client ID and Client Secret
How to set up integration with Instagram correctly, you can describe how to get the Client ID and Client Secret and when you click on Activate acco...
9 replies
Questions about integration: 1) If a client wrote a comment under a post, is it possible to create a task in the system so that it would be visible...
8 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.12.2020, 20:55
Refinement - integration with instagram without intermediary services
Please rate and suggest a solution, how do you do *** Here is the API https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/?locale=ru_RU works with I...
2 answer
i2crm Not receiving messages correctly
Good afternoon! Emoticons are not displayed with a message that arrives from the instagram https://prnt.sc/vxjnx8, but in this form it was received...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
01.12.2020, 15:17
Process screen update
We have tasks that run when instagram is accessed. Here is an example of such a task: https://500np.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/lead/220/edit/...
3 answer
12.11.2020, 14:20
Integration with FB and Insta
Hello, we currently have an integration with i2crm that parses all messages in direct. The fact is that we have a failure with messages from FB, I ...
1 answer
27.10.2020, 17:33
Sources of leads from ads on Facebook, Insta, VK
The company launches advertising on Facebook, Insta, VK. They need to understand from which ad (NOT the lead form) the application came from. It ca...
3 answer
26.10.2020, 08:56
After update
Instagram tasks not displaying text after update
i2CRM and action in process "Send message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)"
Good afternoon, I would like to clarify the "Send message from account:" setting for the action in the "Send message to Instagram Di...
1 answer
08.10.2020, 17:45
Facebook and Instagram integration
You need to integrate with Facebook and Instagram in such a way that when you create a product item in Box, a post on Instagram and Facebook with t...

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