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Search results for query #google

2 answer
21.12.2020, 17:16
Export of stock balances to Google spreadsheets
checkbox https://crm-onebox.com/ua/support/changelog-2020-onebox-mvp/3765-2015663648---do...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.12.2020, 17:06
finalization of the action "Copy the address from the google map according to the additional fields of the process product" (write the components in the additional fields of the process)
you need to create a copy of the action or redo the existing one so that the component addresses can be written in additional. process fields inste...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.12.2020, 16:59
fix the action "Copy address from google map by additional fields of the process product" (there is no list of process fields)
In the action "Copy address from google map by additional fields of the process product" in the field "Take value from the field:&qu...
14 replies
Personal license
16.12.2020, 12:36
Add TXT record to DNS configuration
You need to confirm the rights to the site gnp.crm-onebox.com. Where can you send data, what should you add to the server?
1 answer
Integration with Google Analytics
I want to test the Integration with Google Analytics, will it be available in the free version?
8 replies
02.12.2020, 09:39
Export contacts to Google Contacts
Hello! Contacts are not uploaded to the account. Import works, when you create a new contact on the phone, it appears in the box. I tried everythin...
2 answer
Google map
map does not work when creating a new contact
3 answer
Google contacts
Hello, the synchronization of Google contacts and OneBox contacts does not work
31 answer
Synchronization with Google Analytics for tracking end-to-end analytics
How to synchronize CRM with Google Analytics to track end-to-end analytics, so that each transaction would be tied to a specific UTM tag?
6 replies
20.10.2020, 13:05
Google Shopping
Good afternoon! Are there plans to integrate with Google Shopping?

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