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Search results for query #email

2 answer
Mail integration
Interested in the question regarding security, yet not everyone agrees to disable two-step authentication and allow access for insecure application...
1 answer
09.10.2020, 21:11
Selecting mail to send
Good afternoon, gmail mail has been added to Email integrations, but when exporting products or sending emil from automatic actions, it comes from ...
2 answer
02.10.2020, 20:47
Extra processes are created
Processes are created from some letters, although automation (Turn letter into a process) is not configured.
1 answer
28.09.2020, 13:43
Evaluate the refinement of sending email through N
In the action of sending sms there is a function to send via https://prnt.sc/up7t4u There is no such thing in the Send notification by email action...
11 replies
22.09.2020, 17:49
Auto action and email action work differently
Option 1: - Go to "events" - Choose a process - click "Turn into a process" - the letter was added to the process as a comment,...
2 answer
box.generator.ua , it-специалист
22.09.2020, 12:44
Spam in the mail
Good day! The IP of our OneBox was found in the following spam databases: sbl.spamhaus.org spam.dnsbl.sorbs.net zen.spamhaus.org More...
Error with email IMAP integration
Today I got this error: "Error with email IMAP integration" Screenshots https://prnt.sc/ul34bq and https://prnt.sc/ul34rh https://drevoje...
6 replies
Error with email IMAP integration
Mail rushtobuy.kharkov@yandex.ru before that everything was ok, nothing changed. The password is correct. What to do?
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
21.09.2020, 00:01
Can't send email from box
Here is the report https://kupriyan.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/massemailsend/?datefrom=2020-09-20&...
6 replies
17.09.2020, 12:03
Outgoing mail stopped working
Hello. Yesterday we received the following letter: "Attention! Integration of your OneBox supero.crm-onebox.com with vap*****@gmail.com mailbo...

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