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2 answer
Personal license
10.11.2021, 16:26
OS: The interface is not displayed correctly
Box https://tim.1box.link/ errors appeared in the interface: https://monosnap.com/file/aub4P2BvZWL6Zp9KTsEMGIwUYRWdxt , https://monosnap.com/file/k...
4 answer
Personal license
08.10.2021, 14:04
OS block Personal information
the block Personal information is not displayed The interface is here https://integrator.crm-onebox.com/app/contact/usergroups/setting/9/interface/...
6 replies
20.09.2021, 11:57
Changing column widths
How can I expand the "comment" field, so that the width would be like the "product" field? Without muting other columns.
3 answer
Personal license
07.09.2021, 13:33
OS: how to display an additional field of the product of the process in the list of processes?
in MVP there is a process setting , where you can specify which additional process product fields to display in the "product" column. wh...
4 answer
Personal license
31.08.2021, 10:40
OS does not display the list of employees
here https://nevgamovni.crm-onebox.com/app/employer/ writes 2 , but there is no
1 answer
Personal license
30.08.2021, 15:58
OS: I choose "write off the process", and it offers "to trade"
in the process, I choose "write off the process": https://take.ms/zsbM6 boxing offers to trade: https://take.ms/tjK3M as a result, it sti...
7 replies
Personal license
10.08.2021, 19:24
when trying to change the order client, it automatically returns to the previous one
example https://kolchuga.work/admin/customorder/test/22954/edit/ changed the client to myself, the comments show that it immediately returns to the...
4 answer
Personal license
02.08.2021, 13:36
OS Insert the interface from the second business process
import of the interface from another BP does not work
5 replies
Personal license
14.06.2021, 19:23
In the filter block, the addendum field "list of contacts" shows all contacts, and maybe only a few contacts
In the additional process of the type "advisor of contacts", only a few spivrobitniks can be indicated (screen 1) https://take.ms/cKV8K ,...
6 replies
Personal license
19.03.2021, 19:18
Row height in process tables
In the task #2015703989 the client asked to be able to enter the text in the product field of the billing process in rows. Tell me, how can you wor...

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