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Search results for query #таблица продуктов

6 replies
Products table stopped updating
There is an order http://box.magbaby.ua/admin/customorder/order/43144/edit/ It has a product Previously, when we scanned a product Scanned was wr...
12 replies
Personal license
25.11.2020, 17:02
Sorting and filtering in the product tables
1. Evaluate the sorting order by columns of the column when clicking on the column header https://prnt.sc/vpvfnq by analogy with the list of proces...
1 answer
23.11.2020, 18:16
Product import block: a few problems
Problem 1: Does not import some products, although the article is copied from Box. product - https://prnt.sc/voixdy import file - https://prnt.sc/v...
8 replies
20.11.2020, 09:26
Hide product display
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/zarisovkamarshlist/118239... it is necessary to hide the display of tables of...
2015677819 - Added photo output to the posting page
The ability to display the "product image" field has been added to posting. You can display the field in the product table settings
2 answer
12.09.2020, 15:11
The warehouse does not pull up to one of the goods in the order to the supplier
When creating an order to a supplier, in the tabular part of the order (where goods are entered itemwise), the warehouse is not displayed for one o...
5 replies
07.09.2020, 16:30
The number of goods in the process has been reset
What are these actions? http://joxi.ru/GrqlZNlCG4lJWA https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-postavshchiku/152715... htt...
2015419835 - Refinement of the prohibition of editing the table of products
In the settings of the product table, the ability to add a ban on editing products to employees has been improved
2015205525 - Refinement of the display of balances on the page of posting, moving, writing off
- in the product search block on the warehouse pages: posting/moving/writing off, columns were added: stock balances, select, quantity; - for the “...
2015243674 - Added a setting to the “Product table” block
In the interface settings of the product search window, for the “Product table” block, the ability to display the “unit of measure” field has been ...

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