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Product import block: a few problems

Problem 1:
Does not import some products, although the article is copied from Box.
product - https://prnt.sc/voixdy
import file - https://prnt.sc/voixs7
although if the same article is added to the end of the table https://prnt.sc/voj0oz, then it is added normally https://prnt.sc/voj1a7
Problem 2:
If one of the columns in the table is not completely filled, the import table in Box is shifted.
Tired of wasting time figuring out why this or that doesn't work.
Please fix this block.
Original question is available on version: ru


The system reads the rows one by one and any offsets or special inserts essentially already affect the data retrieval
provide a file with a normal structure in which something does not load
25.11.2020, 14:25
Original comment available on version: ru

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