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2 answer
30.12.2021, 15:34
Negative product balance in stock
https://rivcont.info/2653501/ Confirm It gives the error "An error has occurred. Stock main negative balance #e562a169abd6a11ab37bb386aeab97f...
2 answer
29.12.2021, 15:18
Product Availability
Good afternoon, I have 2 products, one is checked and the second is not, both products are credited and available in the same warehouse Tell me w...
3 answer
Refinement of the action to receive the balance in warehouses
WB has this method https://suppliers-stats.wildberries.ru/api/v1/supplier/stocks? Where {"lastChangeDate":"2021-12-27T03:14:17.71&qu...
6 replies
24.12.2021, 14:22
Inventory balance not displayed
Example process https://etg.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/38269/edit/ I add a product in the order and the fields are empty The rest of t...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.12.2021, 16:08
OneBox OS for managing sales and other processes from iCOLOR - Premium-partner
good day hello We solve dozens of your complex tasks very simply: - increase the profitability of transactions, - reduce costs - control profitabil...
1 answer
14.12.2021, 16:02
In stock 2, in reserve 3
https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/products/307281/storage/ 2 in stock, 3 in stock Please fix the mistake
3 answer
13.12.2021, 14:48
Need advice on "Change a process step when there are enough products in stock"
We want to set up a logic where there are X number of statuses (for example 5) By which you need to check the availability of goods in the warehous...
1 answer
08.12.2021, 11:56
Item not sold from stock
Order https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2118732/edit/ Products were reserved in it, a subprocess was created on them f...
3 answer
07.12.2021, 17:36
The filter button hangs all the time in the Remains in warehouses section
When you go to the section, the Filter button immediately hangs, although nothing is selected in the filter
1 answer
06.12.2021, 17:45
Posting interface
To the page https://rivcont.info/app/storage/process/incoming/ In the block "table of the basket of products" Can we display additional p...

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