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Search results for query #розетка

The delivery address from the socket is imported as Address delivery
there was a problem, when importing orders from the outlet, it imports the address of the branch as a targeted delivery in the CPM. Is there a fix?
5 replies
25.10.2021, 22:15
The upload file to Rozetka is not uploaded or validated
!I'm waiting for a response from the developer or from a person who will definitely help with the solution of the problem! that is - urgently! ...
24 answer
06.10.2021, 16:02
Integration with Rozetka
Good afternoon! The question is. We have a store on OneBox. https://inoxstore.com.ua/ We installed an application for creating a feed for Rozetka. ...
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
06.10.2021, 11:54
Unloads an old image into the XML upload to the outlet, not like in the card / box_auto_action_price_place_rozetka
For this product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/57198/edit/ Uploads the wrong image The file sends these links: https://baza.cn.ua/media/sh...
1 answer
04.10.2021, 16:16
Binding pictures to the filter on the outlet
For an outlet, if the product is something different, you need different product cards. In the settings for uploading to the outlet, I selected a f...
1 answer
The categoryID is not unloaded from the directory for the socket
Two categories - "Gift Packs" and "Music Columns" do not upload the category number for the outlet to the XML feed. please chec...
address is not transmitted from the socket
The address from the socket is not transmitted. Here is the order, the manager manually entered the address https://andser.crm-onebox.com/admin/cus...
14 replies
24.09.2021, 17:29
If TTH was added to Rozetke, how to make TTH appear in ONEBOX?
An order appears in the outlet, the order is unloaded into ONEBOX without TTN, since it does not exist yet. And then they draw up a TTN and enter i...
4 answer
24.09.2021, 17:26
The status is transmitted only to the SOCKET, it is not transmitted from the socket to the ONEBOX ??
There is an action "Update order status in Rozetka Seller API" it only changes the status in the outlet (if you change the status in oneb...
5 replies
08.09.2021, 13:37
It is necessary to take the field "Vidsotok vkupu zamovlen" from the socket to us in the box
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