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Search results for query #розетка

0 replies
06.12.2022, 21:47
Fulfillment outlet. Order from fulfillment
Good day. Perhaps someone already has experience setting up the synchronization of orders with the Fulfillment Outlet? This is when we sent the goo...
1 answer
02.12.2022, 14:34
Importing goods to Rozetka
Good afternoon! Is it possible to somehow integrate the new additional fields into the Rosette import file/link? Import for the Rozetka is formed b...
API Issuing in ROZETKA create integration
Good afternoon, integrators and clients of boxes. Surely many have integration with the Rosetka, but the creation of receipts for issuance at the R...
Stopped ordering from Rozetka
Since yesterday evening, orders have not been received and statuses on the outlet have not been updated, and TTN has not been transferred to the ma...
2 answer
06.10.2022, 11:11
Settings 500 Error
I want to add settings for the outlet
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.10.2022, 09:48
Orders with address deliveries are transferred from OneBox with the address of the first delivery to the locality
On the rosette, there is a request for address deliveries, screen 1358. In OneBox, the addresses of the first delivery of New mail to the settlemen...
2 answer
05.08.2022, 19:28
The integration with the Socket does not work, new orders do not arrive and statuses are not updated
Good afternoon. Look please. Integration with Rosetka does not work, new orders do not arrive and statuses are not updated. The problem is observe...
Integration with Rozetka stopped working
Orders stopped coming from the outlet https://andser.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/rozetka-integration-2/cont...
Socket not working
Good evening! You can see the integration with the socket on this OneBox https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/rozetka-12/ PS I know that I wrote in anothe...
Error in integration with Rozetka
Good afternoon! Integration stopped working https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/rozetka-4/ Please help in solving the problem.

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