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Search results for query #процессы

Evaluate the improvement - Fixing Columns in the tables Products by the list and BP by the List - Evaluate the improvement
I think not only I have a lot of indicators for Products and Orders that are displayed in the table, and if it is possible to fix the title, then w...
1 answer
21.09.2020, 17:02
Is it possible to make the blocks not jump?
Blocks for some reason jump to different places. https://prnt.sc/ul610f Is it possible to fix them in the place where we inserted them? https://prn...
1 answer
20.09.2020, 16:23
Bug. After the update, the number of processes is not displayed in the left menu
https://skr.sh/s4F1orVy77J Bug After the update, the number of processes in the left menu is not displayed. I've been waiting for a decision fo...
2015338113 - Refinement of the column for the list of processes
Improved the ability to display a column in the list of processes, which will display the number of subprocesses in a given business process and stage
2014775830 - Refinement of the GPU to search for processes by email
In the global search, the ability to search for processes by the email field has been improved.

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