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Search results for query #продукты таблицей

1 answer
20.09.2021, 12:08
Add Output Price Settings to Products Table
There was already a question https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/orders/10791-dobavit-vivod-polya-nastroyka-tse... Is it possible t...
2015840828 - Improved the functionality of the "Products table" block
Added 2 columns to the "Products by table" block: Add button and Subtract button, there are settings: - quantity to add/subtract; - the f...
2 answer
17.07.2021, 11:50
Displaying price currency in products list and table
Hello! When displaying products in a list and in a table, the prices of products for which the "Use product currency" setting is set are ...
11 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.07.2021, 10:57
finalize the button in the process interface block "products by table"
I ask you to modify the button in the process interface block "products by table" (similar to the already existing "Button for updat...
2 answer
05.04.2021, 14:56
Good afternoon I have a question about VAT We have a VAT of 10% It is not included in the price of the product. we get such an example of the cost ...
2015756909 - Added the ability to bulk edit process products via XLS
Added block "Change process products using XLS file" to the panel of mass operations on products Added the field "process product id...
12 replies
16.03.2021, 09:46
Bug when entering a value in the process field
Good afternoon! After entering the value in the product table and proceeding to editing the next field, the value is still entered in the table. I&...
6 replies
15.03.2021, 11:54
Calculate revision: open a large image of the product in the "Products table" block
Good afternoon! I ask you to calculate the dobarotka for the "Products table" block. For images (https://i.imgur.com/3sI8hlJ.jpg), you ne...
3 answer
02.03.2021, 13:32
How to highlight only the same products in the table?
Hello! Tell. I want that in the BP, namely in the table of goods, only the same goods are highlighted. I set the "Highlight values" setti...
3 answer
18.02.2021, 15:43
Changes to product table display settings are not saved
I go into the BP settings, try to configure the display of the product table, uncheck the box "Do not suggest products in the name field"...

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