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Search results for query #продукты процесса

2 answer
21.07.2021, 17:46
OS: "Process product loading block" stopped working
Hello! Please help. "Process Product Loading Block" stopped working Link to the test process - https://our-store.com.ua/36855/ Attached i...
2015823078 - Improved method /api/1c8x/order-get/
In the /api/1c8x/order-get/ method, the productunit field has been added to the information about the products of the process (ordercontent->pro...
Change process products with xls file
hello. Bulk change of process products by loading xls file overwrites the value in the products table, but does not overwrite the value in the fina...
19 replies
10.03.2021, 23:45
The category tree does not expand in the Product Search block
Good evening. When clicking on a category in the Product Search block, the category tree does not expand. The process for checking https://crm.ohra...
1 answer
Evaluate the refinement of the action "Combine process products with the same product codes"
we have this action you need to evaluate the refinement so that you can specify 2 or more conditions when merging That is, combine if the same val...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
10.03.2021, 11:38
Evaluate the process product block
Bula dorobka https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/interface/3653-sortuvannya-i-filtruvannya-v-ta... It is necessary to improve: Additional process fie...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
26.02.2021, 17:40
Incorrect action "Add process products to/from lookup(s)"
By adding the "Add process products to/from directory(s)" - https://prnt.sc/107o2en enter the value for "Setting up field comparison...
5 replies
Personal license
28.01.2021, 10:53
rate the addon "Copy the field of products in the process"
The client needs to copy the barcode of the product in the warehouse https://prnt.sc/xpu9yv in the additional field for the product process like th...
1 answer
23.11.2020, 18:16
Product import block: a few problems
Problem 1: Does not import some products, although the article is copied from Box. product - https://prnt.sc/voixdy import file - https://prnt.sc/v...
1 answer
13.11.2020, 11:34
Refinement of the Create Passport from Process Products action
There is an action Create Passport from Process Products It creates a product passport from the products of the process and names the passport as t...

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