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Search results for query #права доступу

3 answer
The "send to" button is not displayed in the "accounting tables" application
Screen 1 - the manager must have access to the send button, namely, go to the contact card, send to accounting tables, and from there send to file ...
How to adjust the visibility of tasks by users so that they are visible only if they set them or they are responsible? Access granted, if I set "vi...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
02.06.2023, 12:12
There are no access rights settings for one of the accounts
Good day, For some reason, it is impossible to configure access rights in one account among all accounts, the list with options for access rights ...
2 answer
11.05.2023, 11:41
Expected arrival. Access rights
Good day What should be opened in the access rights to see the expected arrival of the product? Managers have open, almost everything in the wareho...
3 answer
The employee cannot edit and view the work schedule
Good day! Gave the Employee group access to the Employee Schedule application https://monosnap.com/file/lbFLtVVvjiHj91GQxiuCjVBrt8CCnv. But, as it ...
4 answer
27.02.2023, 09:53
how to close access to all to all fields in a table view?
Hello. Please tell me. In a table view, all users have access to all fields. Please tell me how to close access to individual groups of access to i...
2 answer
06.02.2023, 11:53
Access to create a new client
Good day! Which setting must be enabled in access rights for an employee to be able to create a new contact? https://os.strikeshop.ua/app/contact/?...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
25.01.2023, 20:34
The content of messages from the chatbot is not available for viewing in the task
There is a chatbot: https://t.me/YesEnergy_office_bot Connected to the system: yesenergy.1b.app The integration with it is configured and it works....
6 replies
20.12.2022, 13:28
Access rights cannot be configured in one of the wallets.
Access rights cannot be configured in one of the wallets. Other wallets have ticks, and one has no ticks. Please fix it.
2015944696 - Added functionality of access rights to the process
Added the ability to set fields in the process product table, which will not be available for review of the selected roles.

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