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Search results for query #переменная

5 replies
13.01.2021, 18:07
Amount and price format
Hello! Questions about documents: 1. In the invoice and in the act, in the columns "Price" ({row: product_productprice}) and "Amount...
5 replies
12.01.2021, 11:59
Please help me find a variable
Good afternoon. Tell me, in the document template I want to put the price of the goods, taking into account the discount, which variables to put so...
9 replies
Personal license
11.01.2021, 14:07
Changed for the "Additional text prompt" field
Yaka zminna vіdpovіdaє for the field "Additional text prompt": https://prnt.sc/wky5m6 ? Klієntu need to perevіryati vmіst cgo field і fal...
1 answer
22.12.2020, 19:08
Variable for the price tag QR code
Tell me a variable for the price tag of the goods QR code, which would include: barcode, url of the goods on the site. So far, the qrcode_type_id v...
7 replies
How to properly use the {|$basketsArray|} variable
Good afternoon, tell me how to correctly use the variable {|$basketsArray|} https://prnt.sc/w740q7 with values, if for example I need the Quantity ...
3 answer
Product variable.
Case: Uploaded the Purchase and Sale Agreement. I set all the variables in it. However, I can't find a variable for a Product from a process. W...
1 answer
11.12.2020, 11:10
Variable "paid"
Good afternoon. Can you please tell me what variable should be specified in the letter so that it can be seen whether the order has been paid (&quo...
1 answer
18.11.2020, 15:58
Variable letters
I need to apply the value of the number of products of the process to the action. How to insert this variable into the action .
4 answer
16.11.2020, 08:46
how to use variable
In what format should the value be copied from the knowledge base so that it can then be used in the action http://joxi.ru/4AkK0gZTkqZLyA, if simp...
Is there a variable for the Minimum Reserve of the Product Card. Required for the formula
I want to make on the basis of the Additional field - Order goods, quantity according to the formula. Minimum reserve - Availability in stock (addi...

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