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Search results for query #переменная

12 replies
17.08.2021, 19:07
OS - [workflow.number]
I have a question about this variable. Can she count the numbering, but within the framework of the parent process. Those. assign numbering to subp...
Does not store a variable that starts with a letter in a sub-field of type "String" and "Text"
Good afternoon, when saving a value that starts with a letter in the additional field "Product ID Socket Pa ***", the system simply reset...
6 replies
suborder variable in document
There is a Delivery process to generate a shipping list. I assign it as the parent process for the processes that need to be delivered. Action Assi...
1 answer
28.07.2021, 12:07
Finalization of the variable by the user who changed the stage
There is an action Change owner in which there is a choice of the record of the user who changed the stage You need to make a variable that will r...
5 replies
Process variable not firing
Process variable not firing There is an order https://box.generator.ua/admin/customorder/order/27435/edit/ Is there a procedure https://box.generat...
need a variable or revision in the report Template tables
Previously, I was given the [countDaysAll] variable, but it is applicable when you want to see data for a meridian no more than a month (and only t...
7 replies
01.06.2021, 12:34
where do the values of the variables come from
Hello, there are variables in the process [currency_rate_2] - Currency rate (USD) [currency_rate_5] - Currency rate (CNY) [currency_rate_1] - Curre...
1 answer
27.05.2021, 16:54
Variable in documents from the Vendor setup field
There is a field in the table of goods Setting suppliers, which displays a link with the order of the supplier (client), that is, the process ID is...
Duplicate Variable Fields
Good afternoon. Created a document template. The table indicated three fields of the client's full name. For some reason, the Surname and Patro...
2 answer
13.05.2021, 23:15
Document variables: lookup fields
Good afternoon! Tell me, how do the variables of the reference fields work in document templates? When forming a document in the process, we need t...

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