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Search results for query #обязательства

9 replies
02.04.2021, 11:46
Liability balance in the contact card
Good afternoon. For a year and a half I didn’t work somewhere with clients and their obligations, and when I returned to them I found strange chang...
13 replies
17.03.2021, 18:08
Transition to stage behaves inappropriately
When moving from the "order to the supplier" stage to "all in stock", there are actions not related to the client's obligat...
3 answer
obligations in parent and child processes
And one more question on finances, if the payment is tied to the parent process, and the shipments are made in the child ones, is it possible to re...
When creating one and the same process with the same stage, different direct duties
At the creation of one and that process №1 https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/980788/edit/ №2 https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/...
2 answer
18.02.2021, 19:35
Rate the revision
When the action is triggered, our liability should be reduced by the total cost of the goods in the process.
4 answer
17.02.2021, 12:51
Obov'yazki in the card of the client in different currencies
Contact https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/shop/users/726/ Obov'yazki sformvani tsim zamovlennyam: https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/customorder/sto/7...
9 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
10.02.2021, 10:56
Needs revision on rates
There is a process, there can be many payments in the process, in different currencies. Now it works in such a way that any payment is recalculated...
1 answer
Supplier Obligations
There is such an outgoing Supplier process - http://crm.loader.com.ua/admin/shop/workflow/21/parameters/ Testing on the example of the process - ht...
Pardon in the order for a helper with goat knitting
Pardon in the order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/964895/edit/ goat knitter https://prnt.sc/w6ljf3 What robiti shob did not happen ??...
5 replies
03.12.2020, 14:27
CRM - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/ Please tell me why the final negative balance - https://prnt.sc/vv0lsb Let's say, using the example ...

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