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Search results for query #наличие товара

Goods not counted in stock
There was a question for a couple of months, it was never solved https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/4739-pereschet-produktov-ne-rabotaet/ Tell...
39 replies
Does not display the availability of goods for one supplier
Good afternoon! When loading the supplier's price list, the availability of goods is not displayed, although in fact the availability column in...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 13:04
Pop-up window "Notify me when available" in the cards of goods that are in stock.
Onebox - rybalkashop. Template23. The pop-up window "Notify me when the product is available" is displayed in the cards of products that ...
Is it possible to get a notification if a SPECIFIC product is out of stock
It is necessary to solve such a problem, the client is ready to wait for the availability of the product, for example, we put it in a separate stat...
5 replies
Refinement of the display of the availability of goods in warehouses
Good afternoon! Please rate the improvement. in the personal account we look at the products, now it shows "In stock" for all available w...
6 replies
23.10.2020, 16:43
In the list of goods, the presence of goods is incorrectly displayed. Bug
There is a list of products https://rybalkashop.com.ua/admin/shop/products/productslist/?l=47 Products are not available https://prnt.sc/v5ccrn htt...
2 answer
23.10.2020, 11:42
SMS to the client about the availability of goods
Is it possible to set up such a scenario without modifications (if the products are not available in the main warehouse): 1) in the client's of...
2 answer
19.10.2020, 12:47
ERC loading product availability
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com Integration with the ERC supplier is configured, this morning at 3 o'clock all goods from this supplier became ...
1 answer
07.10.2020, 16:57
An error occurred while changing the quantity of goods
The quantity was 2 pcs - I change to 1 http://joxi.ru/52aXbdXTk0v1Qm such nonsense with a product that is out of stock here is the test process htt...
It is necessary to display the goods as they are in real warehouses
It is necessary to bring goods in real warehouses, in boxes and not in suppliers. And the goods are shipped from the price list with automatic deli...

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