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3 answer
28.09.2020, 20:28
Transferring funds between wallets (accounts)
Please explain how to transfer funds from one wallet to another? Within what functionality is it necessary to carry out this operation?
8 replies
Default wallet in payments
Good afternoon! In payments, the Kassa wallet is installed by default and I have to change it every time to the one I need. Sometimes I forget to d...
payment within the process stopped getting into the wallet
In progress https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/207/action/new/ at the time of payment (buttons "paid by cash" ...
1 answer
10.09.2020, 14:15
The balance on the account of the Legal entity and in the "Finance" tab no longer corresponded.
Initial: legal entity created. An Account (wallet) has been created for it. The initial balance on this wallet is set. After a few days, the amount...
- 2% of the sale amount when credited to the wallet
Please tell me how to fill in the fields. What would be removed from the sale / payment when credited to the wallet "terminal" -2% That i...
1 answer
04.09.2020, 10:17
Bug when creating a wallet
When creating a new wallet during synchronization, the system issues an incorrect amount on the balance. The starting balance (the amount of money ...
4 answer
03.09.2020, 15:19
How to delete a wallet (account) if the button
How to delete a wallet (account) if the "Delete account" button does not work (probably a BUG)
8 replies
03.09.2020, 13:36
How not to take into account the wallet in the total balance
How not to take into account the wallet in the total balance Good afternoon. How to set in the wallet settings what would not take into account pay...

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