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Search results for query #контакты

7 replies
05.06.2022, 18:24
Bug - Disappears "Company" when you click on save
1. Enter the name of the company. 2. Click save. 3. The name of the company appears on the left under the avatar, but the Information about the com...
6 replies
28.05.2022, 14:30
OS call popup
Hello! In the OS, it became impossible to go from the pop-up window of the call to the contact card. Is this a bug? Or did you finally decide to ma...
18 replies
26.05.2022, 13:20
In OS, when hovering over an employee's contact, the phone is not displayed in the company card
In the previous version of the box, when you hover over an employee's contact, the company card displayed his phone number and viber button. It...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
26.04.2022, 13:49
Search by contact ID in the additional field does not work
https://psychology-group.1b.app/16015/ In the additional field of the process I enter the contact id https://psychology-group.1b.app/app/contact/66...
5 replies
20.04.2022, 16:41
Contacts are displayed crookedly! It is impossible to work.
Good afternoon. After the box updated the display of contacts, it became simply unbearable to work. 1. They all moved out and don’t understand how ...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.04.2022, 19:29
Correct the words in the setting description
Block "Fill in the contact card" I beg you to correct and it hurts the eye
4 answer
16.03.2022, 10:06
Storing an array of data in a contact card
Good afternoon, there was a need to receive information on all client contracts. Contracts are formed through the BP, which indicates the number of...
2 answer
23.02.2022, 10:24
Additional contact fields
Good afternoon, please tell me how to find the name of the variable of additional fields? The task is to send the contents of these additional fiel...
2 answer
21.02.2022, 14:10
Contacts are crooked
Good afternoon. On the contacts page, contacts began to be crookedly displayed in the general output, you can’t open a contact with the right butto...
3 answer
14.02.2022, 17:22
Evaluate the refinement in the interface of the contact card Display the block for roles when the field is filled
https://crm.hlr.ua/ Please evaluate the improvement in the contact card in the universal interface block, add the setting "Display block for r...

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