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Search results for query #контакт

2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
05.12.2022, 13:58
fix the operation of the contact interface block "Contact in the directory" (changes are not saved when editing record data)
the "Contact in the directory" block is displayed in the contact interface configured so that the job name and availability fields can b...
Not correctly displaying the number of contacts in the category
https://hdp.1b.app/desktop/ Bachimo in category without group showing 1580 contacts. But if it is transferable, then there are no contacts in this ...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
28.07.2022, 11:04
don't log out to set the interface tab for contacts
I'm trying to fix the interface of the contact card for mobile devices... when pressing on the "mobile" interface type, it appears th...
6 replies
14.07.2022, 16:56
Error - Call contact
Gives an incomprehensible error when trying to call a contact through the application. Can you tell me what is causing this and how can I fix it so...
3 answer
16.06.2022, 10:23
Doesn't display information on contacts tab
On a computer, the tab displays as it should, but on mobile, no information is visible. And it is also impossible to edit the interface of the seco...
18 replies
26.05.2022, 13:20
In OS, when hovering over an employee's contact, the phone is not displayed in the company card
In the previous version of the box, when you hover over an employee's contact, the company card displayed his phone number and viber button. It...
5 replies
20.04.2022, 16:41
Contacts are displayed crookedly! It is impossible to work.
Good afternoon. After the box updated the display of contacts, it became simply unbearable to work. 1. They all moved out and don’t understand how ...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.04.2022, 19:41
Error while saving process - empty contact name validation
https://psychology-group.1b.app/app/workflowtype-first-type/workflowstatus/5/int... Block configured https://psychology-group.1b.app/77...
4 answer
15.04.2022, 14:30
Selecting a contact when creating a TTN
It often happens that a client makes an order, but wants it to be sent to another person. Is it possible to add such a backup contact in the contac...
1 answer
09.04.2022, 16:37
Automation for contacts
In "Automation for contacts" in "Dia when card is opened to contact" and "Dia when saving at card to contact" the blo...

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