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Search results for query #категории

1 answer
15.08.2022, 10:07
Display of products by category folders in the client's office
We have a list of products in the client's office It is necessary to be able to display categories like this That is, to display the name of ...
9 replies
Subcategories of products
Good day! - in the categories of goods, creating the subcategory "third equal" But on the site, the stench is not shown, if you want to ...
6 replies
no multilingual fields for product categories
In the settings, I enabled checkboxes for multilingual fields for categories but the fields were not added here is an example category https://lum...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
28.06.2022, 13:02
OS, New categories of products of the skin wound move to the first level in the tree
Good day, They created two new categories of goods, added to them the upper category (in wood), but the skin wound of the category znov is brought ...
4 answer
06.06.2022, 14:23
Products - Hidden group
Tell me how to hide an already hidden category in the filters?
transferred a strange product category from opencart
Here is the item http://akmp.com.ua/app/product/13140/edit/ he booted from opencart - everything is fine, but the category is not correct and it is...
3 answer
16.05.2022, 13:39
Product categories
Created product categories https://firebox.1b.app/app/product/category/manage/ There is such a structure, showed with a screenshot When I go to pr...
opencart categories not loading
There is an integration http://akmp.com.ua/app/opencart/ Everything works in general - import of goods - export of products - import orders But th...
2 answer
18.04.2022, 16:47
Connect the module of additional categories to the project
Good afternoon. Please connect the module of additional categories to the project https://crm.giftstore.com.ua/
2 answer
18.02.2022, 12:30
OS: Problem with product categories
Guys, there are several problems with Categories: 1) When you go to a category that does not have a product, the page freezes. 2) Can't delete ...

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