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Search results for query #карточка товара

Evaluate the refinement on the display of Suppliers in different menus
I need to have in the menu, in addition to the name of the supplier, also a photo from his card https://vmk.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/3195...
2 answer
16.01.2021, 14:31
The product card is not saved when automation is enabled for products.
OneBox - campshop.com.ua OneBox - rybalkashop.com.ua Product card is not saved (gives an error) Problem in automation for products in actions whe...
2 answer
18.12.2020, 11:44
Scroll in the product card
Example https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/30337/edit/ In the product card, I click "Price settings" https://prnt.sc/w5...
2 answer
As soon as the goods in the warehouse end - the price becomes = 0
Good afternoon. I have written more than once, all the previous tips did not help. I ask you to suggest what action demolishes the price of the goo...
5 replies
As soon as the goods in the warehouse end - the price becomes = 0
Good evening. I ask you to suggest what action demolishes the price of the goods. As soon as the goods are out of stock, the price becomes equal to...
5 replies
I can't upload a photo to the product product card
Please fix this bug https://prnt.sc/ve8y94 on the project https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/
8 replies
20.10.2020, 12:19
Fields in the product card
https://prntscr.com/v2x223 A card becomes much more convenient and more readable if in a universal block (and not only) the names are placed on the...
1 answer
11.10.2020, 14:15
Product card
Good day, tell me why in one card product so http://joxi.ru/Grqj3JKcG494em And in others so http://joxi.ru/MAjEWxJfkjlx42 Dyakuyu!
Evaluate the improvement - Tables in the product card for placing Additional Fields
to implement the interaction of CPM with several of our sites, we implemented the functionality using Additional fields, but this takes up a lot of...
1 answer
07.09.2020, 13:33
Product photo
Good afternoon, this site is based on Vanbox. Prices are also loaded on various trading platforms. Commodities in between 50 thousand. Can I have a...

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