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Search results for query #календарь

3 answer
28.07.2021, 17:14
Can't sync calendar
How to sync google calendar? Application installed Next, I hang automation Follow the link to configure I get this Please fix or tell me what a...
1 answer
22.07.2021, 20:21
OS - bulk editing panel / calendar
1. I choose processes 2. I click edit By default, for some reason, the "due until" calendar is displayed. 3. I click on the "change ...
2 answer
16.07.2021, 11:05
is it possible to customize the display of todo processes with a sheet?
Can you tell me whether it is possible to configure the display of processes in a todo sheet on OneBox? If yes, how to do it?
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.07.2021, 01:22
OS - creating recurring tasks
Often there is a need to create recurring tasks, but with completely different intervals, and setting up a separate BP or stage for each repetition...
1 answer
28.04.2021, 11:57
Display in the calendar by owner with condition or
For example There is an order https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/1954652/edit/ He has a responsible system field, there...
7 replies
10.02.2021, 13:26
The window in the calendar does not reload when going to any stage
The window in the calendar does not reload when going to any stage Reload on save https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/issue/mode/...
9 replies
Good afternoon. Is it possible to display 12 months in the calendar at once? What is the cost of refurbishment?
3 answer
17.12.2020, 10:19
My process calendar
Good afternoon. How can I hide these support calls from the calendar? - https://prnt.sc/w4irgp
4 answer
08.10.2020, 12:04
Problem with stepping through "My Processes by Calendar"
Good afternoon! I noticed a problem, if you go to "My processes with a calendar" and open a task (opens in a pop-up window) https://prnt....
3 answer
06.10.2020, 12:19
Functionality for a travel agency (work with internal tasks)
You need to set up a trace. functional: 1) set up a calendar for employees so that they can plan their tasks, meetings, applications, so that you c...

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