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Search results for query #история

2 answer
04.04.2021, 12:27
Block "History of stages" does not work correctly
Good afternoon! For some reason, the "History of Stages" block works fine. I set the settings, but they go astray. Here is a detailed vid...
16 replies
03.04.2021, 15:19
Bug with stages / are not displayed in the history, do not work out
https://rivcont.info/admin/ Process https://rivcont.info/admin/customorder/order/1493136/edit/ BP https://rivcont.info/admin/shop/workflow/131/cons...
4 answer
09.03.2021, 21:49
How to understand what action or what process changed the field in the contact card?
I'm interested in this /ajax/admin/chat/get/order/ For example /client/order/539/ - it is clear that the changes occurred through process 539,...
After creating the TTN, the address in the order gets lost
Order example https://tradework.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/38308/history/ This is the address given You can see it in the order history http://...
5 replies
07.09.2020, 16:30
The number of goods in the process has been reset
What are these actions? http://joxi.ru/GrqlZNlCG4lJWA https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-postavshchiku/152715... htt...
2014844913 - Fixing the history in the contact card by additional fields with the multiselector type
Improvements have been made so that the history of additional fields with the multiselector type is saved in the contact card

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