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Search results for query #время

4 answer
Insiders - OneBox
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01.12.2021, 18:19
Refinement - generate a process every month on a certain date
Once a minute there is an automation "Generate business processes for clients of a contact group" We need to add logic to execute each m...
4 answer
18.11.2021, 14:37
Validity period of the discount when uploading to PROM
Please tell me how to correctly implement the unloading of the discount validity date for PROM. By default, if no date is added, the discount is va...
2 answer
Creating a sub-process by time conditions
The client has a condition set at the stage: in the process, the date is written in the add. field. When the current date and time exceed the date...
3 answer
23.03.2021, 18:31
Improvement: date/time display
1. For example, in the block of subprocesses or the last processes of the client, you can remove seconds. 2. If someone needs a super-accurate tim...
2 answer
21.03.2021, 17:27
Subject: Process update action
Now there is an action that updates the process at a certain hour of the day. Is there such an action that will update the process in N minutes / h...
1 answer
11.03.2021, 14:47
How to switch the stage of a business process after N time, but taking into account the work schedule
There is an action "Switch stage after N time". You can even do two: set the stage time + jump after the stage time. But how can the syst...
3 answer
06.03.2021, 11:45
Time doesn't match
Your guys when they installed boh on the server missed the moment of time zones and now orders from the site in the box are not displayed correctly...
1 answer
01.03.2021, 21:06
System Time Zone
Good evening! How to set the time zone? We need +6 GMT
6 replies
12.02.2021, 12:21
Timesheet is displayed incorrectly.
Time tracking in Boxing is displayed very strange, with a minus - https://prnt.sc/z7dqx1 In the process card in the communications center, it shows...
1 answer
20.01.2021, 10:00
Date/Time Picker - Improved
Please improve the date/time input a bit. Namely, block the input field in such a way that it is impossible to insert extra characters https://prnt...

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