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Search results for query #бп

9 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
10.02.2021, 10:56
Needs revision on rates
There is a process, there can be many payments in the process, in different currencies. Now it works in such a way that any payment is recalculated...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
27.01.2021, 20:38
Question about recurring tasks
If you turn off the action https://prnt.sc/xq0b8a, go to the stage, and then turn it on, will a new process be created for each process according t...
9 replies
Incoming price when adding filters is not recalculated in BP
Good afternoon! Filters have been added to the product. The sale price and the input price are registered. When adding a product to the BP with fil...
2 answer
Transition from child to parent BP and changing the stage in it
Good afternoon! I can't find the right action. The task is the following: When I go to the stage, I create a sub-process (control of receipt of...
19 replies
28.12.2020, 11:40
Change the stalemate in the role of the author
Good day. suggest how to implement. Vykoristovuёmo in the sales robot in the automatic action "Switch the responsible person depending on the ...
9 replies
10.12.2020, 10:01
PSU not working Retail sale
The Retail power supply does not work, nothing happens during the transition from the starting stage to the next one. When trying to configure any ...
1 answer
12.11.2020, 13:33
Create an order from the menu
Hello, I added a separate PSU, DEFROST))) https://prnt.sc/vhxzfl should be done so that you can add orders from it as from the "Order" PS...
1 answer
02.10.2020, 18:51
Setting up an additional field
- Created an additional field with a search for a specific business process https://prnt.sc/urzxom https://box.ergoglass.md/admin/shop/workflowstat...
2015647185 - Interface button in the business process designer
The “interface” button has been added to the business process constructor. The button appears when you click on a stage and opens the interface set...
2015645319 - Button "delete record" for PSU types
To eliminate the possibility of erroneous deletion of a BP group, the “Delete entry” button: - moved to the left (previously was next to “save”); -...

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