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Search results for query #бекап

5 replies
08.01.2021, 12:55
Hello! Tell me, are backup copies of the database made in the "box"? There are no backup settings in Boxing?
4 answer
23.12.2020, 11:30
Good day It is necessary to work a new backup of the box on a third-party server (onebox is hosted on a hatzner). Once a day - at night. Save the d...
4 answer
14.12.2020, 14:28
Backup programs
Please check and set up automatic saving of the box (now I don't know how often saves happen). We rent a place on the hetzner. I would like to ...
7 replies
09.12.2020, 15:49
Setting up automatic infusion of data into SRM
The essence of the task is as follows - there is a box And employees work in it (bring in clients, keep orders, etc.) must be done in such a way th...
14 replies
08.12.2020, 11:42
Make a backup
Good afternoon There was a problem. Removed hidden goods that were previously sold / shipped in many orders, in connection with this, the balance o...
8 replies
07.12.2020, 11:40
need to make a backup
The box is hosted on the client's server. They recently removed hidden items by mistake. You need to upload a backup of these hidden goods. Can...
1 answer
Rollback OneBox
Please roll back my OneBox: https://dimsp.crm-onebox.com/ to the original state. Conducted experiments and pushed a lot of things.
7 replies
09.10.2020, 12:14
How much will it cost to check if my Box backup is set up correctly? And how much does it cost to set up backups of my box according to your standa...
3 answer
08.10.2020, 14:14
System backup
The client did not pay for the hetzner and his data was deleted Here is OneBox k2-furniture.crm-onebox.com 1) whether we still have a backup 2) how...
1 answer
Question from the client's system administrator: How to backup databases correctly? Should I stop it or can it be done on a "hot"? Wh...

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