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Search results for query #автоматические действия

4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.03.2021, 12:49
Urgent, we can't work, a bug, they stopped working out automatic actions
The automatic action once a minute "Generate business processes for clients of a contact group" was configured to work correctly until 00...
2 answer
16.03.2021, 10:29
Automatic redistribution of a client to a group
Good afternoon! We have a number of contact groups , all of them mean the size of the discount on the product. We made that the discount depends o...
4 answer
16.03.2021, 10:23
Dopfield Process
Good afternoon! There is an additional field to the product with the Date type. What automatic action can be used to create a business process with...
4 answer
12.03.2021, 10:59
Not working Automatic actions once per hour
Good afternoon! Remains on the site and in the application are updated only after a forced update https://prnt.sc/10jk5v9 Automatic actions once pe...
3 answer
09.02.2021, 20:22
Automatic action in a business process
How to correctly launch the automatic action "Change business process and stage depending on field values" so that the stage is switched ...
5 replies
28.01.2021, 16:33
Automatic actions once an hour, displayed in automatic actions once a minute
Good afternoon, tell me why the bulk of the automatic actions once an hour were duplicated into automatic actions once a minute? As you can see in ...
6 replies
Automatic actions.
Good afternoon. Almost all automatic actions have a check mark (checkmark) when to activate, judging by the description, the action is performed im...
2 answer
Максим К
04.11.2020, 21:16
Email stopped coming
Hello. No longer create BP from emails. Initially, automatic actions were configured once a minute, letters should be parsed from mailboxes: yandex...
2 answer
11.09.2020, 10:32
Set switches in automatic actions when saving an item
As a wish for the developers. Set the switches in automatic actions when saving the product now like this https://skr.sh/s46LCtYVzUV

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