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Search results for query #переучет

Evaluate the improvement - Adding goods to Restocking / Posting / Write-off through the panel of Mass product changes
I am faced with the inconvenience of searching through the add menu in these sections: Accounting / Posting / Write-off. Estimate how much it costs...
15 replies
Please tell me, when RECOUNTING https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/stocktaking/?storagefromi... We throw go...
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
02.09.2020, 22:11
In the list of products in the field "In stock" does not show the actual quantity of goods in stock
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/?filterarticul=277886&sortkey=image&a... Here is what http://prntscr.co...
9 replies
25.08.2020, 01:00
Wrong logic in Recalculation
When manually editing the quantity of a product, the subsequent scanning of this product adds it again with a new line and confusion arises. For ex...
2 answer
Re-accounting of finances at the box office and logging. Display date
From time to time I encounter such a problem that the amounts do not converge at the Cashier. (Record + Actuals). Is it possible to add the followi...

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