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Search results for query #фінанси

15 replies
11.05.2021, 18:04
Weekly payments are tied to the process
Good day! We have installed automatic dia: "Automatically allocate customer payments by process", but blame the following situations: The...
Formulate billing payments on the basis of additional fields to the process
The name of the cіlovogo hamantsya zberіgaєtsya in the additional field of the product card. In order to secure the payment on the credit card, at ...
3 answer
23.11.2020, 16:24
do not send payments at the rate at the time of payment with a fixed rate in the process
in the account https://crm.susiak.com/admin/shop/finance/account/2/control/ check the box Create payments for the rate at the time of the process a...

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