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Search results for query #бизнес процесс

6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.09.2021, 14:25
OS - there are no business process settings after its restoration
This process was mistakenly removed from the system by someone https://multiform.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/3/constructor/ I restored it, I used t...
6 replies
24.09.2021, 08:55
When saving or switching to another business process, the product is removed from the order
When saving or switching to another business process, the item is removed from the order.
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.08.2021, 11:25
OS - share the pain when programming business processes
I decided to try a new form of communication in addition to my telegram chat https://t.me/icoloronebox iCOLOR OneBox - Helping User Entrepreneurs A...
3 answer
17.07.2021, 15:52
OS: No Save button in Business Process Editor
Hello! Found that the "Save" button is missing in the business process editor. Please add it, as it is not safe, I accidentally deleted h...
1 answer
Closed process information not displayed in kanban
Kanban Order Displays Example from this link https://box.generator.ua/admin/customorder/order/mode/pipe/?filternumber=&fr...
2 answer
22.03.2021, 10:01
working hours are not correctly taken into account in the business process
when the working time is set from 9 to 18, the system transfers the timer to the next stage after 18.00, although it must take into account working...
2 answer
13.03.2021, 14:06
Question about removed products from the system (clearing data in the BP)
Good afternoon! We noticed that when a product is removed from the system (without the possibility of recovery), part of the data from the BP in wh...
1 answer
10.03.2021, 13:32
attachments from a letter in a business process
Good afternoon. When there is an attachment in xls format, for example, when turned into a process from mail, it is displayed as an attachment in t...
1 answer
errors in processing the stages of the business process.
- action Switch stage on stage expiration did not work. - skipped status of sending new mail specified in the Business process step "Expect o...
3 answer
04.02.2021, 11:13
How to switch to a stage depending on the time of day?
Good afternoon, what actions can be taken so that, depending on the current date, there is a transition to another stage, for example, from 21:00 t...

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