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Component «Sendpulse»

from OneBox #

How it works «Sendpulse» #

You'll be able to send emails from OneBox out of the mailbox integrated with SendPulse. SendPulse API will be used to send the email. You'll be able to check status and history of sending emails from the app page. You can also manage workflows, based on the sending status.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Sendpulse» #

Available Platforms «Sendpulse» #

Application Sendpulse available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Sendpulse available on my server
Available on my server
Application Sendpulse customizable

Documentation and video tutorials by application «Sendpulse» #

Reviews and discussions component «Sendpulse» forum #

1 answer
03.03.2025, 18:48
SendPulse functionality
I can't understand the SendPulse integration functionality. Can I transfer my Address Book contacts from OneBox OS to SendPulse to create a newslet...
9 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
10.11.2022, 10:42
Doesn't select address book
Hello! In the automatic action, the list is not displayed in the drop-down list of the address book (or rather, it is displayed as a symbol or an e...
20 replies
27.01.2022, 15:49
Integration with sendpulse
Is it possible to set up the creation of a process in the box, according to the notification received by mail in the box (to create a chat in the W...
1 answer
22.12.2021, 08:00
Integration with WhatsApp Business API
Tell me if messages will be correctly received in OneBox if communication with the client takes place through the chat bot created in SendPulse. bo...
2 answer
29.11.2021, 15:03
how to understand the reason
Hello. Integration with sendpulse.com stopped working everything worked did not change anything and stopped
1 answer
Integration with SendPulse
Of course, it's great that there is integration with SendPulse, but why is it so crooked ??? I'm trying to transfer the lead data to the Se...
11 replies
20.10.2021, 19:25
Send Pulse telegram bot
Good afternoon! Created a telegram bot based on sendpulse with a series of chat bots of different nature. At the same time, integration with the te...
11 replies
24.12.2020, 15:08
It is not clear which service sends emails
Hello, constant misunderstanding with letters We have integrated mail and integrated service sendpulse Some of the letters go through mail accounts...
6 replies
24.12.2020, 10:24
in SendPulse
Hello in the SendPulse integration settings, it is written like this "From which emails to send mail via api" I entered the address norep...
19 replies
23.12.2020, 14:42
file attachment not attached
Hello. in action when clicked workflow/56/procedure/100/?status=0 added action "Send email notification to contact from additional process fie...