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Component «Import export contacts»

from OneBox #

How it works «Import export contacts» #

It allows to perform upload and download of contacts to the system. You can upload for update both already existing contacts, so as add the new ones. Just choose the parameters that correspond with your file and click on the upload button. You'll see the initial window, where you can configure the fields matching and continue with the upload itself. Once the upload is complete, you'll be able to review the information about the upload performed. To download the file, just filter required contacts and perform the download by the specified parameters.

Cloud pricing for data and applications

There is no additional charge

Cloud pricing per user

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Boxed solution (on-site)

There is no additional charge. You only pay per OneBox user.

Screenshots «Import export contacts» #

Available Platforms «Import export contacts» #

Application Import export contacts available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application Import export contacts available on my server
Available on my server
Application Import export contacts customizable

Reviews and discussions component «Import export contacts» forum #

4 answer
Personal license
21.05.2024, 16:09
Improvement of the application "Import export of contacts"
The possibility of Export and Import of Bonus contacts needs to be improved Please rate: 1) when exporting, download the total number of bonus cont...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
10.07.2023, 11:22
Error creating contacts
When we import contacts, it gives an error during import I am attaching the file See the screenshot Did here https://fopsavchukiv.1b.app/app/...
13 replies
Група активної реабілітації, Голова правління
19.05.2023, 21:44
Export of contacts does not work
Good day! At some point, the import of contacts stopped working and errors, but the existing contacts are updated, that is, no new contacts are cr...
Пользователь готов заплатить за решение 12$
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
10.05.2023, 10:28
Errors when importing contacts, while in another box the same contacts were imported without errors
The problem with this box is ngogarua.1b.app Contact import stopped working, gives errors during import, screen 1376 At the same time, I import the...
Help setting up contact import (XML Contacts Integration (Import))
Good afternoon There was a problem setting up automation once an hour. "Integrate XML Contacts (Import)" action. Data on API URL finds, but cont...
3 answer
Does not download contacts
Hello! Contact upload stopped working. The letter just doesn't come. Please tell me where to look. box.perspekta.ua
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
06.06.2022, 16:21
Export file not received by email
Hello! When exporting contacts, the file does not come to the mail Box https://om24.1b.app/ Can be corrected?
1 answer
How to upload to Excel contacts who ordered a certain product?
How to upload to excel contacts who have orders for some articles?
5 replies
Export the selected contact group
I want to unload clients for a specific group. I choose her. It gives me a list - I want to export exactly these 311 people. To place them in the ...
6 replies
11.01.2022, 17:26
Error when loading contacts from xlsx
What does Error mean when importing contacts