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Search results for query #qr код

3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.01.2024, 11:57
Improvement, qr code for additional process field
Good afternoon, we have an additional process field with a link to the overlay or form creation page, URL field type. You need to generate a QR cod...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.02.2022, 20:06
OS - coordinate the display style of the block in the process interface
Question to the developer. Please do a search in one style. Now the product search blocks by barcode and qr-code look like on the screenshot 1052
3 answer
18.11.2021, 18:51
Document variable not working
There is a pattern https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/document/templates/14/control/ It has a variable But it doesn't show up when creating the ...
7 replies
14.07.2021, 14:58
Entrance to the box by barcode or/and qr code
Good afternoon! Tell me, can I sign in to OneBox by scanning a barcode or / and a qr code? The idea is as follows: when working in an offline store...
4 answer
05.03.2021, 15:04
How to read the QR code in ENG by default?
Good afternoon! Need your help. I started using a qr-code scanner, but a problem arose, namely: if you scan a qr-code that leads to the process and...
1 answer
22.12.2020, 19:08
Variable for the price tag QR code
Tell me a variable for the price tag of the goods QR code, which would include: barcode, url of the goods on the site. So far, the qrcode_type_id v...

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