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Search results for query #фінанси

2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.02.2024, 12:06
Finances, the number of orders from companies in the holding is incorrectly displayed
Good afternoon, we noticed that the number of orders for companies in the holding is not displayed correctly in the Finances block of the client's ...
1 answer
01.11.2023, 19:16
The report is not working correctly, bug.
Congratulations! There is a report https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/report/desiner/18/view/ It does not work correctly not because of the set...
Account balance as of date
Good day! Please tell me in which report you can see the balance of the account(s) on a certain date? For example, I need to know what the account ...
3 answer
12.09.2023, 18:11
In finance, in payment, there is a standard "Comment" field, how can you copy data from it to the process?
There is an incoming payment, some data is indicated in the comments, I would like to add this data to the process and then change the person in ch...
2 answer
29.08.2023, 10:25
Transfer funds between wallets
The type of transfer "from wallet to wallet" has disappeared Please fix it.
6 replies
20.12.2022, 13:28
Access rights cannot be configured in one of the wallets.
Access rights cannot be configured in one of the wallets. Other wallets have ticks, and one has no ticks. Please fix it.
9 replies
28.10.2022, 09:23
Replenishment of the personal account balance
There is no replenishment of the personal account balance during non-cash payment (Invoice No. 2015945548 dated 10/24/2022)
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
07.05.2022, 17:40
OS bug, not correcting the bindings in the client's cards during resales in different currencies
Good day, Client: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/contact/27474/ Client process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/?filterclientid...
3 answer
Personal license
14.02.2022, 16:00
At the transfer of the client's appointment, the payment is displayed according to the process, which was carried out according to the other process for the other client
At the transfer of the client’s appointment, the payment was made according to the process, which was carried out according to the other process fo...
3 answer
Personal license
07.12.2021, 16:53
Evaluate the access rights box (mvp)
Evaluate the functionality of access rights to finance: 1) it is necessary for the mother to be able to show the right to edit payments, so that th...

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