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Search results for query #файлы

2 answer
18.07.2023, 10:36
Sometimes documents are not sent
Here is the process https://sara.1box.link/55020/ From the status "NEW.ZMOVL" go to "Very. payment FOP" Documents are created on the status "Och....
1 answer
06.07.2023, 22:01
Need FTP access to upload files for templates
box https://gamacrm.1b.app/ Need FTP access to download templates and import files. Plz send it to the mail.
1 answer
04.07.2023, 19:30
Files and documents not attached
Here https://sara.1box.link/36872/?tabid=0 At the step https://sara.1box.link/admin/shop/workflowstatus/237/action/new/ there is an action "Send ...
Files won't open in quick view window
Good afternoon. In the processes we have attached various files: contracts, add. agreements, etc. Previously, files were easy to download and open ...
1 answer
29.08.2022, 09:04
Files are not sent when moving to a stage
There is a stage https://sara.1box.link/app/workflow/11/constructor/ There is such an action There are files in the verb Here is an example of an...
5 replies
06.06.2022, 12:42
Is it possible to compress a file in a PDF editor?
For example, there is a 10 mb file in PDF format. Is it possible to load it automatically from the action field and get the compressed file into an...
10 replies
Mass mailing and file nesting
Now when creating a mass mailing choose file it is added as a link to the file but is it possible to make the file added as an attachment? So th...
How to set permissions for the Files section
How to set access rights for a certain employee to the Files section only to view all contacts through the contact card? I installed access to the ...
Box assigns additional extensions to files
Boxing assigns additional extensions to files, while the file does not open in the corresponding application when downloading. For example: files w...
3 answer
26.08.2021, 09:54
Advice on block files in progress
There is a block in interface files in process It displays files in progress. These files are added by the action Add files to process from the sp...

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