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Search results for query #таблица процессов

2 answer
20.12.2022, 13:20
Incorrect results in the report
Good afternoon, I built a report on sources, through the table settings, grouping by additional field as a result, the garbage shows in the last ...
9 replies
21.07.2022, 14:02
Display the latest message in the process table
Here (Figure 1) https://hellom.1b.app/app/workflowtype-issue/ We need to display the last Facebook messenger message as if from a client or our re...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
28.12.2021, 11:55
Report grouping not expanding
Set up a report https://prosto-shop.pp.ua/admin/report/desiner/4/view/ If there are quotation marks in the grouping field name, then the grouping i...
1 answer
20.12.2021, 17:04
OS - Bug - "Source" field in process table
Why does the list of processes show the name of the source, but not in the table? can be brought to one form - to display the text.
2 answer
27.10.2021, 11:59
There are two fields in the process table Client company
Good afternoon https://crm.hlr.ua/ I display the Client's Company field in the table in the list of processes, and there are two of them http:/...
10 replies
21.09.2021, 16:12
setting a different display of the process table for several stages of the process
I go to the process group, the process table is set up like this http://joxi.ru/52apxnYTg5kpbm, I select one process Payment message http://joxi.ru...
8 replies
16.09.2021, 11:11
Sorting by numeric field does not work correctly in list processes
Good afternoon! https://crm.ohrana.ua/ In list processes, when sorting additional fields with the number type, I sort from largest to smallest and ...
3 answer
06.08.2021, 10:58
process mapping table setup
Good afternoon. Tell me, according to the process display table, it is now possible to set up a different table (display different fields) for one ...
1 answer
08.02.2021, 09:47
Setting how processes are displayed
Good afternoon. When displaying product fields https://prnt.sc/yos5ya in one of the processes, the fields were displayed in all lists of processes....
8 replies
03.02.2021, 16:31
Total rows in the process table, display when the button is clicked
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to modify the button (or checkbox) in the process table, when clicked, the summary lines will be displayed....

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